How to Save Money by Installing a New Energy-Efficient Air Conditioning System

In the hot climate of Austin, TX, air conditioning isn’t just a comfort; it’s a necessity. But it can also be a significant household expense. We understand the importance of balancing comfort with efficiency at ABA Heating and Cooling. Upgrading to a new energy-efficient air conditioning system can offer long-term savings and enhanced comfort. Here’s […]

Why a Refrigerant Leak Could be Dangerous in Your Austin Home

What is refrigerant? An air conditioner uses refrigerant to absorb and release heat, making the cooling process possible. While refrigerant is essential for efficient cooling, it can pose significant hazards if it leaks. Common refrigerants, such as Freon (R-22), have been classified as hazardous by environmental protection agencies due to their adverse effects on the […]

5 Ways That HVAC Maintenance Can Save You Money

For homeowners in Austin, TX, keeping your HVAC system in top condition isn’t just about ensuring comfort; it’s also about managing expenses. Regular HVAC maintenance can lead to significant savings, making it a critical routine for any cost-conscious homeowner. At ABA Heating and Cooling, we emphasize the importance of proactive maintenance. Here are five ways […]

10 Essential Air Conditioning Facts Every Homeowner Should Know

When it comes to staying cool and comfortable in Austin, TX, air conditioning isn’t just a luxury—it’s a necessity. At ABA Heating and Cooling, we believe informed homeowners make the best decisions for their cooling systems. Here are 10 essential facts about air conditioning units, signs they may need repair, and how regular maintenance can […]

Keeping Your AC System Running Longer: How AC Maintenance Saves You Money

In the heart of Austin, TX, where temperatures can soar to sweltering highs, having a functional air conditioning system isn’t just a luxury—it’s a necessity. We understand the importance of keeping your AC running smoothly and efficiently at ABA Heating and Cooling. Regular AC maintenance is more than just a preventative measure; it’s a cost-saving […]

The Role Of The Thermocouple In A Residential Furnace

Despite being a relatively simple home appliance, the furnace remains a source of mystery to many homeowners. Unfortunately, this often leads to the need for furnace repairs that could have been avoided through some basic education. If you would like to learn more about the inner workings of your furnace, read on. This article will […]

Is it Necessary to Get My Air Ducts Cleaned?

There has been much debate about the necessity of air duct cleaning and whether or not it helps improve air quality inside the home. Here is a little information to help you decide for yourself if air duct cleaning is right for you. What is air duct cleaning? Air duct cleaning is a service provided […]

Reusable Air Conditioner Filters

Is there such a thing as reusable air conditioner or furnace filters? Yes, there is. These reusable filters work by means of static electricity and have a number of benefits that make them more efficient and economical than disposable fiberglass filters. Here are a few facts about electrostatic air filters and what makes them so […]

Which is More Efficient- Fans or Air Conditioner?

Is it possible to replace your air conditioner with fans to save money? Are fans as efficient as air conditioners? Fans and air conditioners have similarities but each one has their own job to do. They are quite efficient when used together as a team. Here is a little information on both fans and air […]